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Assessment Summary year3 | Henggg

EBU6501 Middleware

1.Courseworks :15%

-(4 Labs(L1,L2,L3,L4) + 1 Class test) Lab 一次2.5分 classtest 5分

4次lab结束才会classtest 所以应该在16周之后

2.Final exam:85%

EBU5212 Communications and Networks

1.Coursework: 30%

两次 classtest 每次 15分,平时上课有两次机会回答问题,有4分bonus

分别在week10 week16

2.Final exams: 70%

4道题 2h

EBU6010 Crytography and Cyber Security

1.coursework: 20%


2.Random class test : 5%(可能每个block结束都有一次)

3.final exam: 75%

EBU5204 Operating Systems

1.Lab Quizzes: 10%

-lab2: 5% week8 Introduction to shell scripting

-lab4: 5% **week14 **Memory Management

Lab 2 and Lab 4 each will have a 15 minutes Quiz based
on Lab materials that will be invigilated by the TAs in the

2.Class Tests: 20%

-Block 1: 10%(week9 based on block 1 contents)

-Block 2: 10%(week 15 based on block 2 contents)

3.Final Exam: 70%

CBU5201 Machine Learning

1.CW activities: 30%

-Lab-based quizzes(10%)

-Mini-project(20%): week 14 release, week 16 submit

2.Final exam: 70%

LAB timetable
